Ever since we got a phone in our hands, let alone a smartphone, we have needed some sort of distraction, in the form of a mobile game for all those spare moments, sitting at the dentist’s office, or even when you are sitting on the loo with nothing better to do. However, we have come a long way from those days when mobile phone games were only a means of killing time. The advent of smartphones and the option of staying connected throughout the day and across the week means that the mobile gaming industry, in particular, could evolve. Mobile phone games, across all OS, Android, iOS, even Windows have managed to adapt and encourage even those smartphone users who were never really the kind of people to play computer games, or in other words who were not strictly ‘gamers’ in the traditional sense of the word, to pick up their phones and start playing.


With time, this has evolved from 2D gaming into 3D gaming as companies across the world try and ensure that their games are the best and the most up-to-date ones available that will allow their players to have the best gaming experience possible. Here is a countdown of some of the best games that have made it across the Android and iOS platforms:

The top three games on Android are:

Unkilled by Madfinger Games mobile-apps-developer

It is similar in nature to Dead Trigger 2, as the name should also suggest, so much so that it might as well have been Dead Trigger 3 with some of the most amazing 3D graphics to date. Mindlessly slay thousands upon thousands of undead, complete 300 missions, collect 50 weapons, and fight all sorts of zombies, rookie to boss levels, and have a lot of fun while doing so!

The Room custom-mobile-app-development

The Room has been a pioneer in introducing great graphics into mobile games. The game consists of its typical finding some unique objects and then unlocking all their secrets. You have alternative endings here so everyone can make their own ending!

Telltale Games








Any of the games developed by Telltale Games could make this list also, including the Game of Thrones game, Minecraft: Story Mode, and the Wolf amongst Us which are all from the point and click adventure puzzle genre.

On iOS, most of it for iPad 2 or newer devices include some amazing PC classics which you can now play on mobile devices also.


FTL ios-app-development



Faster Than Light, a spaceship, dangerous missions, and saving the galaxy. Need I say what else you will need here? An iPad 2 or newer and you are all set to save the rest of us.



Don’t Starve mobile-app-design

Sounds familiar? It is, another PC game with a fan following of 4 million players on PC alone and now it is available on iOS 8, or devices starting from iPad mini onwards. This wilderness, survival game is one must play that all iOS users should opt-in for.

Monument Valley top-mobile-app-developers

Monument Valley is another iOS game where you can let out the architect within you, as you move through some fantastically impossible geometrical designs, removing optical illusions even as you guide the silent Princess Ida on this amazing, enigmatic journey!

Then on both iOS as well as Android devices, sit back, or hunch up and enjoy, That Dragon, Cancer, Sorcery series, and Crashlands are some more great games that you can enjoy. For more details and designing your own apps, contact App Socio.



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